Our blog

Our blog covers all kinds of stuff that we love. We specifically focus on things that add balance and energy to our every day existence.

The Jumpup blog is updated regularly, and suggestions for topics are always welcome. In fact, all kinds of comments are welcome and encouraged. We would love to hear what you think and feel!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Apricot - a trip down memory lane

As a very visual person, I fell instantly in love with Apricot, a short film by Australian Film-maker Ben Birand. I have watched it many times over and it still has a wonderful effect on my senses. With its beautiful cinematography and themes relating back to childhood, summer time and first love you will not be disappointed if you allow 10 minutes of your time to immerse yourself in this beautiful film.

APRICOT — A Short Film by Ben Briand from Moonwalk Films on Vimeo.